ジョージア議会、政府の新しい国家計画を発表 – 欧州国家の構築に向けて



  • Foreign policy includes “irreversibility” of integration into the EU, peaceful settlement of the Russia-Georgia conflict, de-occupation and peaceful restoration of the country’s territorial integrity, as well as ensuring security and stable development of the country, further strengthening Georgia’s regional and global role.
  • In economic development, the Government’s goal is to “make Georgia a key economic hub at the global and regional level” by ensuring macroeconomic stability, structural improvement of the economy, development of foreign trade and promotion of economic integration of Georgia with the EU. The progress of tourism, support of agriculture, local investments and entrepreneurial activities, which create prerequisites for the growth of citizens’ well-being, are also said to be integral parts of the process.
  • Development of social policy and human capital, improving the health status of the population and ensuring universal access to quality health care services are also noted in the document, which reads that the “strong policy” of the Government is to strengthen the social protection system in the country and promote employment, as well as develop the quality education system, support science, technology and innovation to ensure the formation of “an even stronger and knowledge-equipped society”.
  • The construction of democratic institutions and the public service system remains “an unchanging” priority of the Government under the programme, which also ensures the acceleration of Georgia’s “full-fledged integration” into the EU.

このプログラムは、国家的、地域的、そして世界的に今後数年間の国の「急速な発展」に向けた「強固な基盤」を築き、ジョージアをEUに加盟し「国民一人一人により良い未来をもたらす」という「歴史的目標に近づける」 」と文書には書かれていた。