Illegal forest felling, violations of forest legislation, tr…
過去 1 年間にジョージア州全土で州の監督によって確認された環境侵害には、違法な森林伐採、森林法違反、木材の輸送、製材所による技術規制違反などが含まれます。
Statistics of cases established by supervision over the year included:
- 3,111 cases of illegal forest use
- 1,465 violations of forest legislation
- 922 violations in transportation of timber
- 724 violations of technical regulations by sawmills
- 2,595 violations of the Waste Management Code
- 2,097 violations of ambient air quality protection
- 1,477 violations of fishing and hunting laws
- 775 violations of water quality legislation
- 706 violations of land legislation
- 686 cases of illegal mineral extraction
- 454 violations of permit conditions and unauthorised activities