The Georgian Agency for Innovation and Technology on Monday …
GITAは、Do IT in Georgiaプラットフォームに基づいて、州の財政拠出により国内での質の高いIT教育へのアクセスを増やすために、トレーニングプロバイダーはコースをwww。doit。gov。geに掲載できるようになると述べた。
- 5000IT training programme – all training providers have the opportunity to place their courses for novice IT specialists on the portal and enable adult citizens to choose courses, pass a unified exam and obtain state funding;
- Do IT with the EU – includes employment and certification programmes fully funded by the European Union;
- CODE-IT – training courses that aim to attract school students to coding and provide relevant knowledge;
- Blockchain Courses – run by international training provider New Horizons, fully funded by Binance Charity and including an official certification exam in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Nadareishvili 氏は、ジョージア州の Do IT プラットフォームが来月最初の研修生を受け入れる予定であると付け加えました。